Sunday, March 2, 2008


To those imperturbable readers of this blog, their friends, new visitors and their friends and it... the book, ' the God basic rule ' is a new attempt to examine and explain the mysterious connections between science and the world of the spirit, held by many, in order to be ' not-overlapping magisteria '. The author John Rekesh is someone, which I am honoured (and much of) about a long period to have learned to have known. A software specialist of the highest caliber, he, is evenly serious a Sucher, in the fullest direction. And ' in the God basic rule ', he summarizes many years of the serious study, openminded research and intensive view. I invite lucky whole you ' ', where an on-line version of the work can be read. Surplus to Rekesh!Note: If the title gives an impression the fact that this work is more rejoinder a comment on/Parodie of of ' the God illusion ' by Richard Dawkins lets you explain me: that is not definitely the case.

Check this site: mp3 (

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